Sunday 1 July 2012

Good Evening Bloggies!

My apologies for the lack of posts this past few days, the internet went down (boo!) and I had a very family filled weekend (yey!) On Saturday morning I went round to my sister in laws for my nails done, and we drank coffee and ate croissants! Then we all went out with the kids and took them to the carnival which was really good. I went on the waltzers and I think my stomach may have fallen out of my bum when we did eight super fast spins in a row...LOL. On Saturday night I went to my friends Hen Night which was good fun, I didn't get to bed until 2am and then I was up at 6am with the kids! (We had our nephews to stay which Bethany loved! :D) Tonight we went back round to my sis in laws to watch the football final and stuff our faces with Dominos. NOM. Such a fab weekend :):)
Very drunk!!
Beckey x


  1. Amazing nails, the pattern is really pretty, as is the base colour :)

  2. Looks like a really fun weekend! It's always awesome to spend the weekend with great friends so it can sustain you through the stress of weekdays :)
